Calculate Cost

Purchase price, total costs, ...

Is a cheap product really cheaper - especially when the running costs for electricity (and water, if applicable) are also taken into account?
Does it pay to go for the more efficient - and possibly more expensive - appliance?
These questions are often not easy to answer. This tool is designed to help you make an informed purchase decision.

Total cost = purchase price PLUS sum of operating costs over the product's useful life

Among others the following criteria have a major impact on the total product costs:

  • the efficiency of the product
  • the intensity of use
  • the expected useful life of the product, and
  • the electricity tariff (and water tariff, if applicable).

For washing machines, washer-dryers, dishwashers and TVs as well as electronic displays, the energy consumption is well comparable but somewhat abstractly expressed in kWh/100 cycles or kWh/1000 h respectively.

In the tool, assumptions (a default value and several options) are provided for each product category, which convert the label data into total operation costs for the useful product life. Simply select the frequency of use and product service life that best apply to you. This gives you a plausible estimate of the operating costs - and, together with the purchase price, the total costs as a good basis for the purchase decision.

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